The Central Government announced the 70th National Film Awards on Friday. This time Tollywood got only one award. Karthikeya 2 starring Nikhil Siddhartha won the award for Best Telugu Movie. Apart from this one, the fans were disappointed as Tollywood did not get any other award.
Malayalam, Kannada and Tamil films won the most awards at the National Film Awards this time. Tollywood was disappointed. Rishabh Shetty won the best actor award for Kantara movie. This time the best actress award went to two actresses- Nithya Menon (Tiruchitrambalam) and Manasi Parekh (Kutch Express Gujarati Movie) bagged the awards.
Also Read : Best Telugu Film: Karthikeya-2
At the 69th National Awards, Tollywood has shown its power at the national level by winning awards in all ten categories including Best Actor, Best Music Director. This time, the Telugu industry was left with a terrible disappointment. Telugu cinema has not won a single award in technical categories. Telugu movie fans are disappointed that Tollywood is not getting national awards.
In the 70th National Awards, Telugu Choreographer Johnny Master won the National Award. But Johnny Master won the National Award as the Best Choreographer for the Tamil movie Tiruchitrambalam, not for the Telugu movie.