The most awaited film, ’35 Chinna Katha Kaadu’, is getting ready to hit the theatres on September 6, 2024. Presented by Rana Daggubati, the movie has already been in the news, especially after the star-studded pre-release event in Hyderabad yesterday. The evening saw popular actor Nani as the chief guest, gracing the event.
During the event, he especially heaped praises on Nivetha Thomas, the female lead of the movie, who is an artist and as a person. “I have never seen a nicer person than Nivetha Thomas in my life. She is truly a great soul,” chimed Nani trying to drive home positive energy and niceness that Nivetha brings to the table.
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He did not stop at her character alone but praised the way Nivetha acted, saying among the female actors around today, she is one of the finest. He went ahead to highlight her performance level in ’35 Chinna Katha Kaadu’: “The way she has performed in ’35’ is mind-blowing. There are a few nuances in her character which only she can portray. You will love her in 35, and the film will be super special because of her.”
Nani also praised Rana Daggubati, saying the latter genuinely encourages good cinema. He gave the example of how the promotion of ’35’ Chinna Katha Kaadu’ by Rana increased manifold his respect for the actor-producer. “Rana is the first person to encourage good cinema, and how he is backing ’35’ has won my heart,” Nani added.
With its release date closing in, the expectations for ’35 Chinna Katha Kaadu’ are high. An ensemble star cast, a strong storyline, active promotional activities by stalwarts such as Rana and Nani-all these promise to make the movie a box office turkey. The movie is going to hit the floors, keeping all the fans and viewers in great anticipation of how well Nivetha Thomas is going to pull this film.