Recently, Shankar Jaikishan’s melodious songs were arranged during the All Indian Bridge 12th Tournament at FNCC Club in Hyderabad Filmnagar. FNCC President G. Adiseshagiri Rao, Vice President Tummala Ranga Rao, Secretary Mullappudi Mohan, Joint Secretary V. V. S. S. Peddiraja, Treasurer B. Rajasekhar Reddy, Members Kaja Suryanarayana, Balaraju, Edida Satish (Raja), Varaprasada Rao, Sama Indrapal Reddy, Farmer President Dr. K. L. Narayana Garu, Director B. Gopal Garu, Cultural Committee Chairman Tammareddy Bharadwaj Garu, Shankar Jaikishan Fans Association International Organizer Lakshmi Garu, Lakshmi Narayana Garu, Guruvareddy Garu and others participated.
On this occasion, Tammareddy Bharadwaj Garu said: “Thanks to Mrs. Lakshmi, Mr. Guruva Reddy, and Mr. Murali for organizing this function. This pleasant evening is going on pleasantly with good music. I wish this function a success.”
Shankar Jaikishan Fans Association International Organizer Lakshmi Garu said: Thanks to Film Nagar Cultural Center for giving them such a beautiful venue and helping to organize this event. Shankar Jaikishan Fans organisation was established in 2014. The reason is that the melody songs in today’s film songs have decreased. Today’s youth should know how good and melodious songs were there in the olden days. In the golden era, all the songs were good and everyone was doing well. We named our organization after one of them Shankar Jaikishan. Through this organization, we are doing many service programs like providing medical help to the people. When Indira Gandhi asked for funds during a war in India, Shankar Jaikishan was the first to come forward. That is why we love him. Similarly many people have been helped with operations. There is so much to say about them. We have helped some people in the past on the same path. This year we want to help plastic surgery operations at Ishwar Chandra Hospitals. She praised Shankar Jai Kishan’s help to the poor while giving good melody songs. Guruvareddy was appreciated for his services as he was a very good doctor.
FNCC member Mr. Lakshmi Narayana said: Thank you Mr. Guruvareddy for starting a new hospital. Dukkipati Narasimha Rao is very close to me. Lakshmi Garu is happy to organize a program like this. He said that he was very happy to have contributed to the formation of FNCC and it was a pleasure to work with him.
Mr. Guruvareddy said: Music makes hearts move. I haven’t met Shankar but love his music. I don’t sing but I listen well. Also, I give good medical packages to FNCC members in my hospital. I like the artist and the arts. I love serving you people like Writers, artists, and singers who claim that they are divine beings.
After the celebrities spoke, the program continued with popular songs of composer Shankar Jaikishan. The visitors enjoyed listening to the melodious songs in this music program in the pleasant evening.