The team behind the upcoming movie AAY Movie, in collaboration with Geetha Arts, has made a significant and compassionate decision to support the victims of the recent flood disaster in Andhra Pradesh. In an admirable gesture of solidarity and social responsibility, they have announced that 25% of the producer’s share of the film’s earnings from today until the weekend will be donated to aid those affected by the devastating floods.
This generous contribution will be channeled through the Janasena Party, which has been actively involved in relief efforts across the state. The decision to donate a substantial portion of the earnings reflects the team’s deep empathy and commitment to giving back to the community, especially in times of crisis.
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The floods in Andhra Pradesh have caused widespread destruction, displacing thousands of families and causing extensive damage to homes, infrastructure, and livelihoods. Many victims are in dire need of immediate assistance, including shelter, food, clean water, and medical aid.
By donating a quarter of their earnings, AAY Movie and Geetha Arts are not only extending a helping hand to those in need but also setting a strong example for others in the film industry to follow. This initiative underscores the power of cinema and entertainment platforms to drive meaningful change and make a real difference in society. As the news of this charitable act spreads, it is hoped that more organizations and individuals will be inspired to contribute to the ongoing relief efforts, ensuring that the affected communities receive the support they desperately need to rebuild their lives.