Actor and comedian Bitthiri Satti has been charged with a case for allegedly disrespecting the Bhagavad Gita. The Hyderabad police have filed the case following a complaint from Vanasena, which claims that Satti’s video mocked the sacred text. The Cyber Crime Division is currently investigating the matter.
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In terms of his career, Bitthiri Satti, also known as Ismart Satti and Tuppaki Ramudu, has acted in several Tollywood films. Rising from humble beginnings, he gained recognition through his work on television and various programs, establishing himself as a prominent figure in the industry. Despite his success, Satti has recently faced challenges in maintaining his public image.
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The controversy stems from recent comments made by Satti about the Bhagavad Gita, which have sparked significant backlash. The video in question has gone viral on social media, further amplifying the controversy. As the investigation progresses, the situation remains a hot topic, drawing considerable attention and debate from both fans and critics.