Bengali actress Sreelekha Mitra has accused Malayalam filmmaker Ranjith of s…ually harassing her. Her allegations come at a time when the findings of the Justice Hema Committee report have already left the nation shocked, with many demanding strict punishment against accused.
According to Sreelekha Mitra, the film maker Ranjith, who is the chairman of the Kerala Chalachitra Academy, misbehaved with her during the auditions for Paleri Manikyam: Oru Pathira kolapathakathinte Katha.
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Ranjith is the chairman of the Kerala Chalachitra Academy, a government initiative to promote the Malayalam cinema, including the organizing of film festivals.
During an interview, Sreelekha Mitra said that she was talking on the phone to a cinematographer, standing in Ranjith’s bedroom balcony. As she stood there, he touched her bangles. She was uncomfortable with it, but she gave him the benefit of doubt. Then he started caressing her neck, so she left the room.
Sreelekha Mitra added that after this incident, she had spent the night in her hotel room in fear, thinking, what if people come and knock on her door? She was waiting for daylight.