Ruhani Sharma is an actress and model who primarily works in Tollywood. She made her acting debut in with the Tamil film Kadaisi Bench Karthi and she was also seen in Chi La Sow which marked her debut in Tollywood. She has also appeared in films like HIT: The First Case and Nootokka Jillala Andagadu. Ruhani Sharma made her debut in Bollywood with the movie Agra co starring Mohit Agarwal, Priyanka Bose, Vibha Chibber, Sonal Jha and Aanchal Goswami.
Tehmovie Agra has bold and unconventional content. It was screened at the Cannes Film Festival last year and received both awards and criticism. Unfortunately, Agra was leaked on piracy sites, and now the leak has sparked controversy, especially regarding Ruhani Sharma’ bold and intimate scenes.
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Ruhani Sharma came forward and spoke about Agra, “Agra premiered at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival Directors’ Fortnight and has still not had an official release in India. Directed by Kanu Behl, the film examines the overlaps between patriarchy and male s…l desire.”
She added: It’s heartbreaking to see our months of hard work, dedication, and passion being disregarded in this way. Creating an art film is an intense journey filled with sleepless nights, countless challenges, and unwavering commitment.