Akash Puri is the son of noted director and producer Puri Jagannadh. Yesterday the young actor released a video and revealed: ‘I spent time searching for a good story.” And today Akash Puri made an official announcement regarding his next project. The makers also released an announcement poster. The makers said: An Action Saga filled with Epic Emotions. The young and Sensational Akash Puri’ next titled as Thalvar, Get Ready For Blood Bath!
Kashi Parashuram is making his debut as a director with this movie. The film Thalvar will be released at pan India level.
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Coming on the poster, it features Akash Puri’ rough look with a thick beard. Soon the announcement regarding the remaining cast and crew will be made.
The title Thalvar looks very powerful. According to that, it seems that the mass and action aspects are heavily loaded in this story. This is a story that takes place in the background of Kolkata, and it seems that a social issue is being mentioned in this story.