Rishab Shetty won the best actor at the 70th National Film Awards. Currently he is basking in the glory of his recent win at the 70th National Film Awards as his movie Kantara bagged two major awards: the 1st for Best Film and 2nd for Best Actor, which was awarded to Rishab Shetty himself. Social media is flooded with congratulatory wishes for Rishab Shetty. Number of celebrities from the film industry have extended their wishes for the actor. And now the name of another actor has been added in this lis and he is none other than Stylish Star Allu Arjun.
Allu Arjun took to his X account and wrote, “Congratulations to all the National Award winners. I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Rishab Shetty Garu for the well deserved Best Actor award.”
Also Read : Best Telugu Film: Karthikeya-2
Bunny added: I am also happy to see my longtime friend, Nithya Menen Garu, receive the Best Actress award..
Allu Arjun also congratulated Nikhil Siddharth for his movie Karthikeya 2 which also won National award.
On the work front Allu Arjun will be next seen playing the lead role in Pushpa 2 The Rule.