The son of Nandamuri Balakrishna, Mokshagna, is getting ready for his debut in Tollywood. The Herculean task of launching his son has been assigned to talented director Prashanth Varma. Sources say that the script work regarding the film is already complete and the movie will soon go on to the floors. Meanwhile, one of the most exciting pieces of information regarding this film has surfaced, making rounds in the industry: it has Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan playing an important role in Mokshagna’s debut film.
It seems Prashanth Varma is pretty much keen and eager to cast Amitabh Bachchan in a key role in the flick, as he feels only Big B can do justice to the role. A lot of speculations are rife about Prashanth trying to make this a grand entry into Bollywood for himself and Mokshagna.
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Some reports also stated that this could well be a part of Prashanth Varma’s cinematic universe, while others indicated that Mokshagna might play the role of Abhimanyu.
More interestingly, there was once a project announced with the Balakrishna–Amitabh combo and under Krishna Vamsi’s direction, but it was shelved for different reasons. And now the million-dollar question is, will Big B finally be a part of Balakrishna’s son’s debut movie? Share your thoughts in the comments section.