The Hema Committee report has created a sensation in Malayalam film industry. Star actors including Mohanlal are reluctant to talk about it. The dark side of the film industry has now been revealed. The Kerala government has taken the Justice Hema Committee report on s…ual harassment of actresses seriously. Not only in Mollywood, but also in neighboring industries, there is a discussion about the Hema Committee. Some people have raised their voice that such a committee should be formed in their film industry as well. Actress Samantha also commented on this. Manchu Lakshmi and director Nandini Reddy, Anushka Shetty has also posted and spoken about this issue.
Recently Samantha urged Telangana government to establish a commission akin to the Hema Committee in the Tollywood industry, following the recent casting couch controversy in Malayalam film industry.
Also Read : Samantha demands TG Govt to release s…ual harassment report in Tollywood
After Samantha, now Anushka Shetty also took to her Insta stories and demanded to release the s..ual harassment report in Tollywood. Anushka Shetty demanded Safe working environment for Women in Tollywood.
Anushak Shetty said: “We women in Tollywood welcome the Hema Committee report and congratulate WCC in Kerala for leading this important initiative.” The Baahubali actress highlighted the relevance of such measures in Telugu Film Industry citing ‘The Voice of Women,’ a support group established in the year 2019 for women in Tollywood.