Tuesday, June 18, 2024
HomeNews"Beware of RevanthPe," mocks BRS

“Beware of RevanthPe,” mocks BRS

BRS party has mocked Telangana Congress alleging that TPCC leadership is taking money to issue tickets to Congress candidates. BRS senior leader Dr Dasoju Sravan launching a personal attack on TPCC president, alleged that Revanth Reddy is selling Congress party tickets, by giving Congress tickets to only those who are offering money in big amounts.”BEWARE of #RevanthPe…The future of Telangana could be at risk…What a fall for #Telangana Congress???  
Shamefully, once an Ideological Party is now in the clutches of a ruffian, who only knows politics as means of making money and a commercial business. This blatant practice of selling party tickets is unprecedented in Indian political history. It is alarming that if their own MLA aspirants are being exploited and looted by selling MLA tickets, it raises questions about the potential consequences for Telangana if they were to, by any remote chance, attain power. BEWARE of #RevanthPe…The future of the Telangana could be at risk,” said Dr Dasoju Sravan in a tweet.

Dasoju Sravan has coined ‘Revanth Pe’ term on the lines of PhonePe and GooglePay, hinting that Congress candidates have to pay for Revanth if they need Congress B-Forms.

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