The controversial reality show Bigg Boss 8 Telugu is going to be launched tomorrow on 1st September. The time that Bigg Boss fans and TV lovers have been waiting for is coming. The 8th season of Bigg Boss Telugu will start tomorrow (September 1). Seven seasons have been completed successfully. There is a lot of curiosity about the eighth season of Bigg Boss as well.
King Nagarjuna is the host for this 8th season as well. Nagarjuna has been building up the hype with promos for some time saying All is Limitless. The program will start at 7 pm. Nagarjuna will introduce the contestants. There will be introductions of the contestants, dances and special performances.
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Just like the previous seasons, Bigg Boss 8 Telugu will be aired on Star Maa TV channel. Bigg Boss lovers can watch the live telecast of the grand launch tomorrow (September 1) from 7 pm on Star MAA channel. Star Maa will reveal the timing of the episodes from September 2.
Bigg Boss Telugu Season 8 will be streaming on Disney+ Hotstar OTT platform. The grand launch can also be seen on Hotstar from 7 pm tomorrow. Bigg Boss will be broadcast 24 hours in this OTT.