ASP Seema Pahuja will now investigate the incident at Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College and Hospital which created a sensation across the country. Seema Pahuja has previously been honored for solving many mysteries. Seema is known as the sharpest woman officer in CBI
Her appointment made everyone curious about who she is. Seema, who has earned a reputation as the sharpest woman in CBI, has a lot of experience in solving such cases. She has received gold medal twice in 2007 and 2018 for her investigative talent.
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Seema Pahuja, who investigated the r…e and murder case in Gudia, Shimla, used scientific technology for the first time. Also, it was only with scientific evidence that Hathras was able to solve the case. At one point she was considered to voluntarily quit her duties to take care of family responsibilities. But the then CBI director refused to do so and managed to convince her not to retire.
Seema Pahuja is facing a lot of pressure from outside regarding the investigation of cases. However, she has a reputation for not backing down when it comes to investigations.