Today megastar Chiranjeevi took to his X account and shared a pic of his father: A pic I have taken of my father in the black and white era. He was quite the Hero, my Agfa camera cherished capturing ! Pictures are our machines for effortless Time Travel.
Chiranjeevi who is deeply connected to his roots, posted a picture he himself had taken, back in the days when photography was his hobby. Coming on the pic, it features his father posing with a bicycle.
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Though it is just a pic, but it revealed the story of a simpler era, of familial bonds, and of a young Chiranjeevi honing his skills with an Agfa camera.
On the work front, Chiranjeevi is currently working for socio fantasy drama Vishwambhara which has Trisha Krishnan as the leading lady. The movie is directed by Mallidi Vassishta and produced by UV Creations. The film stars Meenakshi Chaudhary and Ashika Ranganath in lead roles.