Megastar Chiranjeevi is currently working for fantasy drama ‘Vishwambhara’, which is being directed by Vashishtha. Trisha and Ashika Ranganath are playing the female leads in this film. Currently, the shooting of this movie is going on at a fast pace. Produced by UV Creations, the film will hit the screens worldwide on January 10, 2025. Recently, Chiranjeevi leaked Vishwambhara’ song details.
Vishwambhara will have a Bham Bham Bhole type song. The iconic track from “Indra” is a fan favorite, and its inclusion in Vishwambhara has heightened anticipation.
Also Read : First Look Poster of Chiranjeevi’s Vishwambhara Unveiled
Chiranjeevi hinted, director Vashishta requested a similar song, and he is confident that Keeravani would deliver a captivating rendition. This news has fueled speculation about the grandeur of Vishwambhara musical score, promising a high quality soundtrack.
Isha Chawla, and Surbhi are playing the important roles in this drama. The musical score is being scored by the renowned MM Keeravani, adding to the anticipation surrounding the drama.
On 22nd August, on the occasion of Chiranjeevi’ birthday, Indra was re released and it created a sensation in Tollywood.