On Thursday, veteran actor Chiranjeevi celebrated his 69th birthday in a spiritually significant way by offering prayers at the famous Venkateswara Swamy Temple in Tirumala. Adorned in a traditional off-white silk mundu and kurta, paired with a kasavu-bordered shawl, the veteran superstar visited the premises along with his wife, Surekha Konidela, in quest of seeking the blessings of Lord Balaji. One of Indian cinema’s towering icons, Chiranjeevi was dressed in a traditional off-white silk mundu and kurta, paired with a kasavu-bordered shawl, reflecting the richness of culture associated with the occasion.
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Chiranjeevi, whose illustrious career has spanned Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, and Kannada cinema, did not forget to acknowledge fellow devotees warmly while he made his way through the premises of the temple. The couple arrived in Tirumala a day ahead of the celebrations, with Chiranjeevi attired casually in a T-shirt and jeans to receive a warm welcome at the local hotel. His mother and wife were also present, so this became a special pilgrimage with family that added to the significance of his birthday celebrations.
Right from the debut in 1978’s Punadhirallu, he had some illustrious box office hits like Vijetha, Indra, Shankar Dada M.B.B.S , and to the more recent ones, Bholaa Shankar. His contribution to Indian cinema has earned him immense respect and admiration among film buffs and industry colleagues.
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For his immense contribution to the arts, Chiranjeevi has been awarded the Padma Vibhushan, the second highest civilian honour of India, in May 2024. The honourable President, Droupadi Murmu, presented the prestigious award at a function in Rashtrapati Bhavan. Other important dignitaries present included Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah. This would definitely be one more addition to the bag of glowing tributes paid to Chiranjeevi as one of the most revered and influential film personalities in India.
While Chiranjeevi continued to inspire many a generation through his body of work and his humility, the celebration of his 69th birthday at Tirumala stands as a testimony to his timeless faith and love he shared with his family and fans.