Due to heavy rains and floods, Vijayawada city has been severely affected, with numerous areas and colonies submerged. Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, along with officials, has been involved in evacuating those trapped by the floodwaters to safer areas. They have also distributed drinking water and food packets to residents still in their homes amidst the floods.
At midnight, Chandrababu personally conducted a tour of Singh Nagar via boat, checking on the availability of food for those affected. He ensured that food packets, water bottles, and biscuit packets were delivered to some residents.
From 2 PM on Sunday until 4 AM on Monday, Chandrababu Naidu tirelessly inspected the flood-affected streets of Vijayawada, reassuring residents with the message, “Don’t be afraid, I am here.”
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By 4 AM Monday, he took a break at a bus arranged at the Vijayawada Collectorate for rest. Throughout the night, he visited areas including Ajith Singh Nagar, Krishna Lanka, Ibrahimpatnam, Ferry, Jupudi, and Moolapadu. In Jupudi and Moolapadu, where floodwaters had entered homes, local residents had taken to the streets.
Chandrababu personally went to the affected individuals in the middle of the night to understand their problems and assured them of the provision of food and water.
He encouraged everyone to stay brave in the face of the disaster and instructed them to call the government-announced toll-free number if they faced difficulties. Chandrababu assured the victims that he would stand by them and urged everyone to follow the government’s safety guidelines.