The shooting of Kollywood Superstar Rajinikanth and director Lokesh Kanagaraj’s ‘Coolie’ is going on at the brisk pace. Today the makers of Coolie officially announced the inclusion of Shruti Haasan in Coolie by releasing her look poster.
Coming on the poster, it features Shruti Haasan who is essaying the role of Preethi. She gives off fierce energy to her character and officially marks her entry into the movie. Shruti Hasan is seen distressed and holding a shovel on Coolie Poster.
The makers captioned the poster, “Kicked to have Shruti Haasan joining the cast of Coolie as Preethi.” The upcoming film marks Shruti’s first collaboration with Rajinikanth.
Also Read : What is the remuneration of Nagarjuna for Coolie?
Sathyaraj will play Rajinikanth’s friend in this action drama. Nagarjuna is playing Simon in Lokesh Kanagaraj’s magnum opus. The upcoming actioner also has Mahendran and Soubin Shahir in important roles. There are also strong rumors of Mr Perfectionist Aamir Khan making a cameo in Coolie.
Bankrolled by Sun Pictures, Coolie has the music by Anirudh Ravichander. The film has cinematographer Girish Gangadharan and stunt choreographer duo Anbariv (Anbu and Arivu).