Former Minister Perni Nani has lashed out at Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, stating that he has no stomach to digest the so many good things the present CM Chandrababu Naidu is doing. Speaking to media persons here on Wednesday, Nani asked Naidu to reveal all the financial details to the public regarding ‘maladministration of the coalition government’s funds’. He clearly pointed at affairs of spending ₹3.63 crore into the very flamboyant calibre event, and the fault being on Naidu’s administration.
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Nani did not just stop at financial allegations. In addition to all this, he also slammed Naidu for his corruption in fighting the pests. According to Nani, Naidu’s government spent money in fighting pests such as the termites and the rats but ignored a big menace afflicting the state. This kind of accounting handling proved to Nani the eventual flaws of Naidu as a CM.
He said that even promises like those to help the tomato farmers remained on paper and were never honored. Taking a dig at Lokesh Naidu, who is campaigning everywhere to help farmers in trouble, he asked why he was not making this contribution now. Nani appeals to Chandrababu Naidu to come out of the negative campaign against YS Jagan and start making up for the number of promises and issues which are left unaddressed and are said to be affecting the people of Andhra Pradesh.
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Nani’s comments quote raging tensions and political rivalry as an appeal to high levels of transparency and accountability in governance. His censure just epitomizes the wider call for leadership to now move their energies toward meaningful reforms that would be benefitting the citizenry outside the ways of the partisan frays.