Kannada actor Darshan Thugudeepa’s behavior has not changed even though he has been jailed. Darshan, the main accused in the 33-year-old auto driver Renukaswamy’s murder case, has been jailed in Bengaluru’s Parappana Agrahara Jail. He was shifted to Bellary Central Jail from there yesterday. A picture of Darshan Thugudeepa’ wearing blue jeans and a black t-shirt with sunglasses hanging on it and going to Bellary Jail went viral on Internet.
In this context, the government is ready to take disciplinary action against the police officer who allowed Darshan to do so. Darshan entered Ballari jail with ‘sunglasses’ as qaidi no 511. The police lodged Darshan in a high-security 10ft-by-10ft cell.
Also Read : Darshan to be shifted to Bellary prison
Ballari police sources revealed that Kannada actor Darshan’s ‘sunglasses’ were power glasses, adding that undertrial prisoners and convicts who have eye issues are allowed to wear these glasses, and it was not an offence.
Darshan who is in Ballari jail, was recently seen sitting on a chair with some others including a rowdy sheeter, smoking a cigarette and a coffee mug on the lawn of the jail, and a video of him talking on a video call went viral.