Deepika Padukone, who is expecting her first baby with Ranveer Singh, will deliver on September 28 in Mumbai. Deepika Padukone shared a series of photographs from her recent maternity photoshoot, in which she was seen flaunting her baby bump and radiating pregnancy glow.
Taking to their Instagram, the couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh shared a series of pictures from their classic monochrome photoshoot. Their first pic showed Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh looking into each other’s eyes lovingly. In the pics, she is flaunting her belly.
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In another pic, Kalki 2898AD actress stunned her fans in a sheer bodycon dress that accentuated her curves. The Maternity photoshoot also included several solo shots of Deepika where she posed gracefully for the camera.
The couple announced the pregnancy in February. In an Instagram post, they said the baby is due in September. They tied the knot in an intimate wedding ceremony in 2018 at Lake Como, Italy.