Lucky Baskhar is an upcoming film which has Dulquer Saalmaan in the lead role. The movie is directed by Venky Atluri of Rang De, Vaathi, and Tholi Prema fame. Lucky Baskhar is announced for September 7th release during the Vinayaka Chavithi weekend. But as per the delay in post-production work, Lucky Baskhar is out of 7th September race. Soon the announcement regarding the new release date will be made.
The film Lucky Baskhar was supposed to be released on September 27, along with Sujeeth’s Pawan Kalyan-starrer They Call Him OG. While Lucky Bhaskar proponed its release date, the latter film OG is yet to be wrapped up due to Pawan Kalyan political commitments. But this time the makers of Lucky Baskhar have postponed its release.
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Meenakshi Chaudhary is playing the female lead in this film which has music composed by GV Prakash Kumar.
Lucky Baskhar is produced by Naga Vamsi and Sai Soujanya of Sitara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas, while Srikara Studios is presenting this romantic drama.