Senior editor, popular in the Telugu film industry, Martand K. Venkatesh has recently given some interesting comments regarding Power Star Pawan Kalyan in an interview. The anchor asked him to share his experiences traveling closely with Pawan Kalyan some time ago and how he feels about the political standing of the actor currently. The senior editor opened up his thoughts on the actor-turned-politician.
About Pawan Kalyan, Venkatesh says, “He is one person who is talked about all over the world. Yet, he is the same as he was earlier.
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Pawan is always open and has a good heart. If I am in a depressed mood, he is the only one who would ask, ‘Is there any problem, Venkatesh? Do you need any financial help?
‘No other person in the industry has ever shown such concern,” Venkatesh said. These comments have gone viral on social media in no time as netizens are relishing in the candid, full-of-heart appreciation that Venkatesh has given to Pawan Kalyan. The talk reveals the personal side of Pawan Kalyan, bringing out the constant and supportive nature he maintains in personal interaction and public life.