A photo of Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja is going viral on the social media in which the actor is seen lying on hospital bed with chest tubes, tube in his mouth and several pipes are attached to his chest. The doctors are giving support to Mass Maharaja while helping him lay on the hospital bed. His hands are bleeding. But is the photo of Ravi Teja real? Has the actor really got injured? This is fake pic of Ravi Teja which is going viral.
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But it is true that Ravi Teja got injured on the sets of his upcoming action drama, tentatively titled RT 75. He underwent minor surgery after suffering a muscle tear in his right hand. The pic of Ravi Teja in a hospital bed has been circulating on social media, which his fans claim is fake.
Ravi Teja’ PR team released a statement and confirmed that the actor recently sustained a muscle tear in his right hand during the shoot of #RT75. Despite the injury, he continued to shoot. Yesterday, Mass Maharaja underwent a surgery at Yashoda Hospitals.”