With multiple instances reported in the Chittoor district itself, file burnings have become quite frequent across government offices in Andhra Pradesh. The latest case includes the burning of files at the TTD administration building in Tirupati, which has resulted in a lot of controversy following the flames gutting files at the Madanapalle Sub-Collector office. Basically, these incidents have sparked political outrage as opposition parties directly target the ruling YSRCP with suspicion over the reasons for the fires.
Madanapalle and TTD Incidents Raise Concerns
A fire at the Madanapalle Sub-Collector’s office on July 21 destroyed some important revenue records, sending shockwaves throughout the state. The government took it seriously; the Chief Minister directly ordered the DGP to do a proper investigation into the matter. The case was assigned to the CID, which has registered nine cases to date. Preliminary investigations have shown that 2,400 files have been gutted; of these, 700 were partially burned. Involvement of real estate traders, revenue officials and political leaders has been suspected and 32 people were questioned while notices were issued to 15 suspects.
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Before the Madanapalle case could settle, another fire broke out at the TTD administration building on August 17th, this time in the engineering department. Though the flames could be contained before the arrival of the fire brigade by the TTD staff, the whole delay in reporting to the TTD officials added suspicion. The Chief Vigilance and Security Officer, Sridhar, who accompanied the SP of Tirupati district, inspected the incident. Initial reports have revealed that these files were concerned with civil works in local temples, and all of them were e-filed.
Political Fallout and Allegations
The file-burning incidents have taken on a political hue, with the Opposition accusing the YSRCP of stroking these fires as part of an effort to destroy files to cover up their corrupt activities. The Jana Sena Party conducted a novel press conference where Tirupati in-charge Kiran Royal said that it was orchestrated to hide government loot by pointing out that short circuits and lamps are blamed for fires; he added that TTD files were burnt to prevent the truth from coming out in ongoing vigilance inquiries.
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Congress leader Chinta Mohan expressed concern over the TTD fire and demanded an inquiry. He threatened to take the issue to the Enforcement Directorate in Delhi and also threatened agitations if the facts were not brought out within a week. BJP and TDP leaders, too joined the fray of suspicion and accused the ruling YSRCP of destroying evidence of corruption. BJP leaders Bhanu Prakash Reddy and Samanchi Srinivas demanded a full probe into the incidents, while TDP leaders accused the ruling party of orchestrating the file burns under Chief Minister Jagan’s directions.
As these incidents continue to raise the political temperatures, full investigation demands have revolved around calls for transparency and accountability in the administration.