The Sanskrit film Shloka, directed by the renowned writer and filmmaker Janardhan Maharshi, is being produced under the banner of Sarvejanah Sukhinobhavantu Films by his daughters, Shravani. The film stars Ragini Dwivedi in a prominent role, portraying a unique character with a special connection to nature and the afterlife.
In the movie, Ragini plays a distinctive young woman who interacts with nature and engages in spiritual activities in a cemetery. To honor Sanskrit teachers on Teachers’ Day, director Maharshi has dedicated the film’s release to them. On this occasion, the makers have unveiled the first look poster of the film.
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Director Janardhan Maharshi shared insights about the film, stating, “We have filmed the crucial Rudra Bhoomi scenes in Bengaluru and Mysore. Many significant sequences with Ragini were shot in some of the oldest cemeteries in the country. The uniqueness of these cemeteries will become apparent when you watch the film. Shloka will be dubbed into several Indian languages. I plan to make more good films in Sanskrit in the future.”
The cast of Shloka includes Ragini Dwivedi, Tanikella Bharani, Vajreshwari Kumar, Guru Dutt, Jack Manju, Surappa Babu, Aditya, Bhadri Divyabhushan, Sandeep Malani, among others.