It is well-known that Nandamuri Mokshagna will be making his debut as a hero under the direction of young filmmaker Prashanth Varma. Recently, Nandamuri Balakrishna provided clarity on the launch of this film. As Balayya marks 50 years in the film industry, he gave a special interview reflecting on his cinematic journey. In this interview, he discussed his heir Mokshagna’s debut, saying, “There are high expectations for Mokshagna. Even before his first film is released, he has become a star. We worked hard to become stars, but Mokshagna has become a star even before making a single film. His first movie will begin in the next three months.”
Balayya further elaborated on Mokshagna’s entry, stating, “I know exactly how to introduce him, and it’s quite easy for me.
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Many people plan extensively for their children’s futures and experience a lot of stress. I don’t have that issue. I already have five to six scripts ready for Mokshagna in my mind.”
Regarding Mokshagna’s debut film, it is expected to be part of Prashanth Varma’s superhero cinematic universe. The film is rumored to be based on characters from Indian mythology with a superhero storyline. Additionally, there are viral reports that Kushi Kapoor, the daughter of the late legend Sridevi, will star opposite Nandamuri Mokshagna. Nandamuri fans are eagerly awaiting updates on this film.