Former Minister Roja, once a silver screen beauty, gained popularity through movies and reality shows and later made a mark in the political arena. Initially, she was active in the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) but later switched to YS Jagan’s party. Roja has previously stirred up trouble with her controversial and harsh remarks. During Chandrababu Naidu’s time in jail, she counter-attacked him, drawing the ire of TDP supporters. She also targeted Pawan Kalyan’s personal life in her statements. In the recent she faced a severe defeat.
Aadudam Andhra Controversy
During her tenure as a minister, Roja organized a program called “Aadudam Andhra.” Minister Dharmana Krishna Das was also involved, overseeing the event closely. The program, intended to promote rural sports, was entirely funded by public money, with a whopping ₹150 crores spent. However, TDP leaders suspected a massive scam involving Ministers Roja and Dharmana. They alleged that the YSRCP leaders created chaos under the guise of “Aadudam Andhra,” sidelined genuinely talented athletes, and selected participants according to their whims, misusing funds in the process. They also claimed that the ruling party used the “Aadudam Andhra” program as a tool for election propaganda.
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Is Arrest Inevitable?
Currently, TDP leaders in power have lodged a complaint with the CID, alleging a ₹150 crore scam under the “Aadudam Andhra” program, involving Ministers Roja and Dharmana Krishna Das. The CID is now prepared to investigate these alleged irregularities. Taking this issue seriously, the CID has issued crucial orders to the NTR District Police Commissioner in Andhra Pradesh. There is widespread speculation that Roja’s arrest could happen at any moment.