The highly anticipated film GOAT starring Thalapathy Vijay, which is directed by Venkat Prabhu, has finally hit the theaters on September 5, and the buzz on social media is undeniable. GOAT has garnered a wave of reactions from fans and critics alike, flooding Twitter with praise, memes, and detailed reviews. The movie GOAT received the mixed response an currently GoatDisaster is trending on Twitter (X). Few comments by the netizens are as follows>
Ram Vignesh: Even vijay fans Don’t Like this Shit #Goat #TheGreatestOfAllTime #GoatDisaster #GOATReview
Rajini : Karma is still haunting him GoatDisaster.
GUr: After Nelson, Vamshi and Lokesh , Even VP can’t save ThalapathyGet ready for 4th Disaster my dear Kakkas ..!!! #GoatDisaster #DisasterGoat
Also Read : The GOAT- The Greatest of All Time movie Review
Kavalan: History Repeats #Goat #GOATFDFS #GoatDisaster #GOATReview
Madars: Please don’t anyone see the picture #GoatDisaster #TheGretestOfAllTime
Rangamannar: #GOATDisasterofAllTime #GoatDisaster
Ganesh: But I don’t understand why they said 1500 crores without laughing like this after keeping this run of tomatoes… #TheGreatestAllTime #GOAT #GoatDisaster