Viswam is an upcoming action drama which has Gopichand in the lead role. The movie is directed by Srinu Vaitla and produced by TG Vishwa Prasad under the banner of People Media Factory and Venu Donepudi’s Chitralayam Studios The movie is currently underway at a rapid pace. Today the makers of Viswa officially announced that the Teaser will be out on 3rd September at 4.05 PM.
Kavya Thapar is playing the female lead in this film Viswam. Apart from the lead actors, Viswam also has Ganesh, Pragati, Ajay Ghosh, Naresh, Venela Kishore, Shakalaka Shankar, and Chammak Chandra in the crucial roles.
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KV Guhan is the film’s cinematographer, whereas Chaitan Bharadwaj composes the music. Gopi Mohan, who had previously worked with Srinu Vaitla, provided the screenplay. Kiran Manne is the art director while Amar Reddy Kudumula is the editor.
Gopichand’ previous offering was Bhima, directed by Kannada filmmaker Harsha, which was a dud at the box office.