Power Star Pawan Kalyan is all set to come up with a visual spectacle in the form of this period action drama, Hari Hara Veera Mallu. The production house, as a part of Niddhi Agerwal’s birthday celebrations, shared a special poster featuring the leading lady. The poster features Niddhi playing Goddess Mahalakshmi, draped in a classy golden saree and adorned with intricate jewelry. Her mesmerizing looks, sure to leave audiences spellbound, would only complement the Bollywood star’s beauty that is sure to make hearts skip a beat.
In the film, he plays a legendary heroic outlaw who stood up against tyrannical rulers to protect the interests of the downtrodden. Recently, this project has undergone a change in direction; young director Jyothi Krishna has taken over the project from Krrish Jagarlamudi. He is totally committed to providing fans and moviegoers with a memorable cinematic experience.
Also Read : Hari Hara Veera Mallu shoot resumes with war sequence
Right from the leads of Bobby Deol to Anupam Kher, the film has an ensemble cast of many other deserving actors. The music is by none other than MM Keeravani, so one can look forward with a guarantee for some strong and emotive soundtrack.
Hari Hara Veera Mallu, on a prestigious note, is being produced by Legendary Producer, AM Rathnam, under the Mega Surya Productions banner. The movie is being produced by A. Dayakar Rao. The film is slated for a release in two parts in several languages, such as Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, and Malayalam. The first part is titled Hari Hara Veera Mallu Part-1: Sword vs Spirit itself. It will be an epic saga—the fans won’t want to miss it.