Famous Bollywood actress and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut got a shock in the Bombay High Court. The High Court has made it clear that they cannot direct the Central Censor Board to give a censor certificate to the film ‘Emergency’, which she has directed, acted and produced herself. However, the Censor Board has been advised to take a decision before September 18 regarding the issue of Censor Certificate. The next hearing was adjourned to September 19. The movie ‘Emergency’ was made based on the life of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Kangana Ranaut is essaying the role of Indira Gandhi in this film. Mahima Chaudhary and Anupam Kher are playing the pivotal roles. Emergency is scheduled to release on 6th of this month. However, a group approached the court in Madhya Pradesh claiming that they were under-represented in the film.
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The court directed the Censor Board to consider their arguments in this order. Political party Shiromani Akali Dal has also asked the Censor Board to stop the release of the film. A letter was written to the Censor Board saying that Kanagna starrer misrepresents the facts and creates hatred among the audience. In this context, Kangana approached the Bombay High Court. Bombay High Court has issued a key judgment in this order.
Kangana Ranaut took to her X and said: High court has blasted censor board for illegally withholding the certificate of Emergency