Prabhas and Hanu Raghavapudi’s upcoming film has been launched today morning with a pooja ceremony. The film is making all the noise, and the latest about it is related to Iman Esmail’ casting. The sources say that Iman Esmail, who is a popular social media influencer and dancer, will play the female lead in Prabhas and Hanu Raghavpuri’ film which is tentatively titled Fauji.
The shooting of PrabhasHanu film is expected to commence on August 24 in Hyderabad. The film is reportedly believed to be set during pre-independence era.
Also Read : Prabhas and Hanu Raghavapudi film launched
The reports are coming that Prabhas will be seen in the role of a soldier in the British Army in the film, which is being produced on a record budget by Mythri Movie Makers. Vishal Chandrasekhar is rendering the tune and background score for the movie. Vishal had already composed three songs for Fauji.
After delivering blockbuster movies Salaar and Kalki 2898 AD, Prabhas has potential blockbusters in the kitty in the form of The Raja Saab, Spirit, Salaar 2, and Kalki 2.