Protesting against the Supreme Court’s ruling that permitted the categorization of SC/ST groups, a call for Bharat Bandh has been issued for Wednesday. The call for the bandh was given by the ‘Reservation Bachao Sangharsh Samiti’ with support from various SC/ST organizations and the BSP—Bahujan Samaj Party. In the Telugu States, the agitation by SC Categorization Anti-Fight Committee members obstructed the RTC buses on the roads at small hours and did not allow them to ply. But ambulances, emergency services, hospitals, medical services, pharmacies, and police services were exempted.
BSP party workers and supporters participated in the Bharat Bandh and demanded that the central government file an affidavit in the Supreme Court. In the ruling issued on the 1st of this month, the Supreme Court granted state governments the right to include sub-castes under the SC/ST reservation system.
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Many organizations have been against the verdict of the Supreme Court and are insisting that the judgment be taken back. As a part of this agitation, Bharat Bandh has been called. Not only the political parties but social organisations, too, are supporting this bandh. Tightening security measures and taking preventive steps to avoid any untoward incidents, police….
Authorities, however, are already geared to maintaining public order in several states. Schools, shops, and offices will reportedly stay closed today. Some other organizations in the Telugu states have also announced their support to the Bharat Bandh. Members of the SC Categorization Anti-Fight Committee blocked RTC buses from leaving the depots in Vizianagaram district. They have also called upon government and private educational institutions, businesses, and transport organisations to cooperate with the bandh.