However, audiences have not taken kindly to this latest collaboration between Kamal Haasan and director Shankar in “Indian 2”. Critics believe it is because the story has been purposefully stretched. Though it was intended to be made as a single film, Shankar, considering the span of the story, made it a 2-story epic, while he is expected to complete the trilogy. That makes “Indian 2” somewhat an insipid film with very little story and, therefore, a box office bomb.
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The same is happening now to “Viduthalai 2.” The film’s final version is over four hours long, so much so that Vetrimaaran, the director, started thinking of dividing the film into two to make more money. Sources from the making say that releasing in two parts will double the box-office collections, since the shooting is fully completed. But the unconfirmed buzz is that the lead actors, especially Vijay Sethupathi, are not interested in a part three.
As of now, it is not clear if there will be one or two parts of “Viduthalai 2.” A source close to the movie says an update on the same might be expected in the coming days.