Former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister and YSRCP President YS Jagan Mohan Reddy met the people who got injured in a reactor explosion incident that occurred at a company in Atchutapuram SEZ, in Anakapalle on August 21.
Jagan Reddy who was accompanied with MLC Botcha Satyanarayana, former minister Gudivada Amarnath and former MLAs, also interacted with doctors and enquired about the recovery status of the victims.
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Jagan Reddy also interacted with media and said: When something like this took place during our term, we ensured that a compensation of Rs 1 crore was given to the deceased within 24 hours and a similar amount was given to injured. The same kind of sympathy and empathy is expected from the government.
We have already reported that 16 workers were killed and 30 others injured in this explosion. The explosion in the reactor occurred during the lunch break at pharmaceutical company Escientia Advanced Sciences Private Limited, located in the Atchutapuram special economic zone in Andhra Pradesh’s Anakapalli district.