Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor is all set to make her Telugu debut with Devara Part 1 in which she is sharing the screen space with young tiger Jr NTR. The makers have already released two singles and now the music lovers are eagerly waiting for the release of third song titled Daavudi which will be out on September 4. As per the latest updates, in North America, Jr NTR and Janhvi Kapoor starrer Devara, helmed by Koratala Siva has to gross at least $5.25 million to reach the breakeven mark.
Also Read : Devara never heard Mania in USA: $100K+ pre-sales
Jr NTR was last seen playing the lead role in SS Rajamouli’ magnum opus RRR which grossed a whopping $14.35M in North America. According to the makers, Devara has collected close to $150K from the pre-sales that indicates a decent buzz in North America.
Devara is Tarak’ first release post the super success of RRR so the expectations are very high. Devara is produced by Yuvasudha Arts and NTR Arts, and presented by Nandamuri Kalyan Ram. The big budget drama Devara Part 1 is set to release on September 27, 2024, in multiple languages including Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, and Kannada.