Rebel star Prabhas, Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika Padukone starrer Kalki 2898 AD, helmed by Nag Ashwin has been released on OTT streaming platforms. Those who haven’t had the opportunity to watch this science fiction drama can now stream it at home as the much-awaited movie has been released on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.
The Hindi version of Prabhas starrer is now available on Netflix. The Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam versions can be watched on OTT giant Amazon Prime Video.
Also Read : Kalki 2898 AD runtime reduced by 6 minutes in OTT
Upon its recent release on Amazon Prime Video in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam, Kalki 2898 AD initially debuted at 5th place on the charts but later it secured No 1 spot. This success was mirrored on Netflix, where the Hindi version of Kalki also received a phenomenal response, solidifying its status as a blockbuster in the digital space as well.
Released on June 27, Kalki 2898 AD won the hearts of the movie lovers with its innovative mix of science fiction and mythology, earning over Rs 1100 crore in India alone.