It is known that BRS MLC Kavitha, was arrested in the Delhi Liquor Policy case. Currently she is in jail. According to the latest update, Kavitha fell ill in Tihar Jail. According to the instructions of the jail doctors, the authorities shifted KCR’ daughter Kavitha to AIIMS in Delhi. She was examined at the hospital. Doctors said that K Kavitha is suffering from viral fever and gynecological problems.
This isn’t the first time K Kavitha has encountered health issues, she underwent similar tests a few weeks ago after experiencing viral fever and fluctuating blood sugar levels. Her condition is currently being monitored by medical professionals
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On 16th July, Kavitha fell ill in jail. Then she developed fever and was rushed to Deena Dayal Hospital in Hari Nagar, West Delhi. After medical examination she was taken back to jail. Now she is being treated at AIIMS.
She has been in judicial custody for nearly 160 days. The Delhi Rouse Avenue court extended her custody recently extended till 2nd September, while her bail plea in SC is posted for hearing on 27th August.