Tech giant Apple on Monday announced the appointment of Kevan Parekh as its Chief Financial Officer- CFO. He will replace company veteran Luca Maestri, and will assume the role on January 1, 2025.
Apple has taken this decision just before the launch of its new products this season. According to experts, the biggest software upgrade ever can be done for iPhone this season.
These changes, which also include the use of artificial intelligence (AI), are very important for Apple to overcome the global sales slowdown.
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Kevan Parekh has been with Apple for more than a decade and will now join the company’s executive committee. He is currently serving as vice president of financial planning and analysis.
Prior to Apple, Kevan Parekh has held senior leadership roles at Thomson Reuters and General Motors. Apple said Luca Maestri will continue to lead corporate services teams, including information systems and technology, information security, and real estate and development, and will report to CEO Tim Cook.