Kichcha Sudeep gave a surprise to his fans on his birthday. Kichcha Sudeep shared the title logo and concept video of Billa Ranga Baasha. This movie is helmed by Anup Bhandari of Vikrant Rona fame, whereas Hanu-Man makers Niranjan Reddy and Chaitanya Reddy produced it on a big canvas, investing a substantial budget.
“A Tale from the Future”. Here is the official title logo and concept video of Billa Ranga Bhasha- First Blood movie,” Sudeep shared a new video. In this video, “Boss Update Boss” “Update Wanted Boss” is heard. Immediately in the video As Anoop Bhandari reads the book, details about the Billa Ranga Bhasha team are also shared.
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The concept video of Billa Ranga Baasha takes viewers to a dystopian future set in 2209 AD, where iconic global landmarks such as Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, and Taj Mahal lie in ruins, under the dominion of a mysterious man. Is it one man or 3 different people?
On the otherside, Kichcha Sudeep is working for Max.