The young and talented actor Kiran Abbavaram, who is best known for playing the lead roles in “Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru” and “SR Kalyanamandapam,” is currently working for a film KA. Today the makers of KA announced that official announcement regarding Kiran Abbavaram’ film first single will be made today at 5:04PM.
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KA is being helmed by two talented debutant directors: Sujith and Sandeep whereas it is funded by Chinta Gopalakrishna Reddy under the banner of Srichakraas Entertainments whereas the film has the music by Sam CS. Viswas Daniel is handling the cinematography. The upcoming drama marks the return of Kiran Abbavaram after a one-year hiatus. KA is touted to be a periodic action drama.
KA is the costliest film made in Kiran Abbavaram’ career and he was seen with a makeover to suit the periodic drama. Kiran Abbavaram will announce more details about the film KA very soon.