Finally, young hero turned Tollywood actor Kiran Abbavaram is on his way into a brand-new life now that he has tied the nuptial knot with his long-time girlfriend, Rahasya Gorak. Dated for quite some time, the couple finally tied their knot in a private ceremony on Thursday, August 22. The wedding took place at a beautiful, rather private, and grand setting within a resort at Coorg in Karnataka, with not many industry celebrities but very close family members and friends as a part of the guest list.
A Grand Wedding with Celebrities in Attendance
In the traditional marriage, Kiran Abbavaram married Rahasya Gorak by tying three rasams or sacred knots around Rahasya’s neck. With the presence of close relatives and a few Tollywood celebrities, the event was sure to be a very lively one. The wedding, with all its tradition and modern method of celebration, has gone viral nowadays, adding all the photos and videos of the entry of Rahasya, Jeelakarra Bellam ceremony, and Kiran’s tying the knot.
Also Read : Kiran Abbavaram is getting married in a simple ceremony! Do you know where the wedding is?
Social Media Buzz and Well-Wishes from Fans and Celebrities
The wedding pictures and videos of the couple are already making rounds on social media. Fans, celebrities, and well-wishers from all over have been gushing with wishes and messages for the couple’s future. When the couple and their friends got together, the bash was not limited to the wedding. There was a lot in store with large pre-wedding celebrations for three days. All this began with events such as Sangeet, Haldi, and Mehendi, which were held in style. The couple shared glimpses of all these moments on social media.
From On-Screen Romance to Real-Life Love
Kiran Abbavaram and Rahasya Gorak first met during the shoot of the film Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru in November 2019, where the two played on-screen lovers.