To consider the pros and cons of the Covid spike emerging worldwide, the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi has chaired a high-level meeting today with various officials of the country. While discussing the matter, he raised many parameters that are also coming under Covid circumstances. He especially concentrated on non-BJP ruling states like AP, Telangana, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal.
Modi mentioned that he was not denouncing anyone, and started coming to grips with these states. He said that they had decreased the excise tax by Rs 10 in November 2021, in order to offer solace to the people from high fuel prices. And they appealed to the states to do the same and he sobbed that a few states did not care about his words. He progressed his words, advising the states to revise VAT and mitigate the prices of petrol and diesel and appease the daily travelers.
While PM Modi was on his way to inculpating the states over fuel rates, West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee negotiated and asked ferociously, “Is this the right dias to raise the hike issue?” Immediately after coming to her anger, Narendra Modi reversed the topic and delivered his words about the current Covid-19 circumstances arising in the nation.
Observing Modi’s behavior, people opined that Modi conducted the meeting with his pre-planned actions to target non-BJP ruling states. At present, the Indian government is taking 68% of revenues from petrol and diesel rates, and this is greater than before.