Superstar Mahesh Babu’s upcoming entertainer Sarkaru Vaari Paata is ready to hit the screens on the 12th of this month. The trailer had clutched the interest of the audience and millions of views on YouTube. With this, expectations of the movie have raised to sky-high. Earlier, we have heard the director’s and the editor’s words that the film will be more interesting than Mahesh Babu’s blockbuster in the past, Pokiri.
The makers have organized its pre-release event on Saturday. During the event, Mahesh said, “It is a pleasure to meet the fans through this celebration after a couple of years. Director Parasuram designed my role in an outstanding manner. Dialogue delivery and body language are all new and entertaining. Some episodes have reminded me of Pokiri days. The lead pair track will be the highlight of the film. The character of Keerthy Suresh is beautiful. Thaman rendered soothing music. I am a huge fan of Thaman’s re-recording work. The mass song steps are far better than the Mind Block song in Sarileru Meekevvaru. Ram-Lakshman masters choreographed excellent fights. I thank the producers. We should work for many more blockbusters.”
At the conclusion of his speech, he got emotional and said, “A lot has happened in these two years. People very close to me passed away. But no matter what happens, your love doesn’t change. Your blessings and admiration drive me forward. It will be a festival for all of us.”