Thalapathy Vijay’s most-awaited movie The GOAT hits screens tomorrow in grand style with Venkat Prabhu wielding the megaphone. Though the buzz for the movie is pretty decent, advance bookings have been nothing short of phenomenal, especially in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and overseas. In Hyderabad alone, close to fifteen early morning 4 AM shows are said to be planned due to unprecedented hype.
However, the film The GOAT has received a severe jolt in the Hindi-speaking areas. It now emerges that the Hindi version of the film will not be played in major national cinema chains such as PVR, Inox, and Cinepolis. This is owing to a strict diktat from the chains that all new Hindi films must ensure an 8-week window between their release in the theatres and their debut on OTT.
Also Read : The GOAT- The Greatest of All Time movie Review
Unfortunately, The GOAT is scheduled to hit the OTT platforms before completing this 8-week period. Due to which its Hindi version had to be kept out of the schedules of these leading multiplexes. Yet, the non-Hindi versions will be screened by the leading multiplex chains- PVR, Inox and Cinepolis in the South Indian markets.
The Hindi version of The GOAT had Archana Kalpathi, its producer, invest significant energies to bring about a mainstream release, which has turned out less than expected. It could be likened to what happened to other Tamil blockbusters in the past couple of years, such as Leo, Jailer, Vikram, and Ponniyin Selvan, which similarly faltered in the Hindi market owing to non-compliance with the OTT release rules laid out by the Multiplex Association of India.