Malavika Mohanan who is making her Telugu debut with “The Raja Saab,” helmed by Maruthi, will be essaying Prabhas’ love interest in the horror comedy entertainer. The actress described the opportunity as a dream come true, as she has always admired Baahubali fame Prabhas’ work and the way he carries himself on screen. Prabhas, who is enjoying the success of Kalki 2898 AD, is known for his love of food. Malavika Mohanan recalled Prabhas’ generosity and passion for feeding others, by saying: Prabhas sir’s food is very delicious. Next to my mom’s cooking.
Recently, Malavika Mohanan interacted with the media in Hyderabad as part of the promotions of the movie Thangalaan starring Vikram. During an interview, as the part of the promotional activities of Thangalaan, she was asked about Prabhas and Rajasaab.
Also Read : Prabhas The Raja Saab welcomes Malavika Mohanan
Malavika Mohanan said: Prabhas sir sent the best food I have ever eaten after my mother’s food. It was almost equal to my mother’s food.
Talking about Raja Saab, she said: My character is amazing. Maruthi Sir writes female characters well. My role in The Raja Saab will be completely opposite to my role in Thangalaan.