Mangalagiri rural police arrested the former Bapatla MP and YSRCP leader Nandigam Suresh in Hyderabad. After the High Court rejected his anticipatory bail plea against the case, the attack on the TDP office sent Suresh into hiding.
It is learnt that Suresh tried to escape from Hyderabad. Based on a tip-off, Mangalagiri rural police went to Hyderabad, arrested him and shifted him to Guntur district. He is likely to be taken to SP office and then produced in the court.
Also Read : AP High Court shocked Jogi Ramesh, no anticipatory bail
The attack on TDP central office at Mangalagiri, Guntur district, was in headlines. Special teams were then formed by the police and arrested Nandigam Suresh along with others including Lella Appireddy, Devineni Avinash, and Talasila Raghuram.
The police had gone to Suresh’s residence in Uddandarayunipalem yesterday to arrest him but had to return after waiting for some time. The police traced his location through cell phone signals and apprehended him.