After a 17-month hiatus, former Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia has once again connected with the public. He expressed deep gratitude to all the supporters who wished for his release from jail, stating that he would be indebted to them for life. He urged everyone to now pray for Arvind Kejriwal’s release and expressed optimism that good days are ahead for the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Using the platform X (formerly Twitter), Sisodia shared details about his upcoming padayatra (foot march). He expressed happiness at reuniting with the public after such a long break, noting that the same support he once received continues to be strong. Witnessing this enthusiastic atmosphere, Sisodia said he is confident that AAP will achieve a resounding victory in the upcoming elections. He also shared an emotional moment from the padayatra when women tied rakhis to him, expressing their love and affection.
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AAP Set to Return in Delhi
Manish Sisodia announced that his padayatra will soon cover all the assembly constituencies in Delhi. He also expressed confidence that Arvind Kejriwal would be released soon, emphasizing that nothing can be achieved through vindictive arrests. Sisodia noted that the public’s affection for AAP remains intact and expressed hope that their government will return to Delhi. After his release from jail, Sisodia toured the Greater Kailash area, meeting with local residents. Along the way, he was warmly welcomed by the public, who prepared grand arrangements to greet him. Women performed traditional rituals, applied tilak, and tied rakhis to Sisodia, showing their support.